
Thursday, August 05, 2004

Performance: year to date 

Numerous ways of measuring investment returns exist, most useful is probably the internal rate of return, the discount rate that would have to be applied for today's sum to be worth an equal amount to the sum invested.

I aren't going to do anything so sophisticated for now but let's just look at the money I started the year with and the value of my portfolio as of today.

Value of holdings on 01/01/04

Ben Bailey: 1281 @ 405p (£5,188.05)
Chaucer: 8092 @ 47p (£3,803.24)
Dana Petroleum: 1551 @ 242p (£3,753.42)

and during 2004 I have spent £4000 on Mayborn shares, £3500 buying more Ben Bailey and £2500 mistakenly buying more Chaucer at 54.75p.

I therefore started 2004 with a portfolio value of £22,744.71.

The only change since my last portfolio update was today's 2.7% advance in the Dana Petroleum shareprice, they currently stand at 337p to sell.

Thus, the total value of my funds today is £23,129.45, i.e. a return to date of 1.7%. An extremely disappointing figure that has been hammered by the weakness in Chaucer's shareprice. I remain confident however of achieving a double-digit return this year and have four months left to do it.

So watch me.

The Artful Dodger

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